Health Anxiety after NICU  8 week course started 24th September in The NICU Space, replays available now - included in every membership!

Your NICU support community

At Miracle Moon, we understand the emotional journey of NICU families because we've been where you are. We offer compassionate support, expert guidance, and a community that genuinely cares. Whether you're in the NICU now, just transitioning home, or reflecting on your experience, we’re here for you.

Empowering NICU Parents with Compassionate Support and Expert Guidance

We’re dedicated to providing NICU parents with the emotional support, professional advice, and nurturing community they need during this challenging journey. Our platform is built on a blend of professional expertise and real-life experiences, offering a compassionate space where families can find the tools for healing and resilience.

Compassionate Support and Resources for NICU Families

We offer a variety of services to support NICU families, tailored to meet your needs wherever you are in your journey. From individual therapy to group sessions, we’re here to help you find the right kind of support.

1:1 Therapy

Engage in individual therapy sessions with Dr. Frankie Harrison, a specialist Clinical Psychologist, who provides a safe and confidential space for you to explore your emotions, process your NICU experience, and develop effective coping strategies.

Therapeutic Groups

Join our supportive group sessions, where you can connect with other NICU parents who understand your journey. These sessions offer a safe and validating environment to share experiences and gain valuable coping skills from a specialist Clinical Psychologist.

The NICU Space

An online community offering psychological support and a nurturing environment for parents navigating the emotional challenges of neonatal intensive care. Connect with others, access expert advice, and find strength in a shared experience.

Parent Stories

Hear what NICU parents and professionals have to say about Miracle Moon and the various services we offer
The perfect virtual hand hold a Mum needs
Great blend of practical tools, space to explore in a compassionate, safe space. Your general presence meant I could be as vulnerable as I needed to be...
Miracle Moon gave us hope and strength when we needed it most.
Miracle Moon is something I always navigate parents to... it brings guidance and comfort to those it's intended for and also allows professionals to see NICU through a different lens, changing how we may do things and support parents whilst they have a baby on NICU
I genuinely think finding Miracle Moon saved my life...
It’s a space that feels safe, non-judgemental and supportive. It is a space where I feel understood and can relate to and understand many other experiences and feelings.
The support and resources provided by Miracle Moon have been invaluable to us as a family
It’s a safe space to share feelings and thoughts about NICU experience, worries, celebrations and more. Everyone is so supportive and cheers you on which feels amazing to be understood by a group of people who are bonded by the experiences we’ve had. I also love that it’s a space where we can share our traumatic/negative birth stories - normally we are excluded from places where they only want positive stories and then we have nowhere to share - and feel like a burden on people for having negative experience but this gives us the validation we need.

Valuable Resources for NICU Parents & Families

Explore our collection of downloadable resources


Things you may need if you’re having a C Section

If you're having a C-section, this list compiled by our community may prove useful to help you know what to pack. There are also some top tips at the end of the list to aid your recovery.

Things you may need if you're planning to pump

If you're planning to pump milk whilst your baby is in NICU and cannot feed for themselves, this list of things you may need could be worth taking a look at. Collated from responses from our community of NICU parents, the list is made up of things people who have been in your shoes have used and found important.

NICU Stay Packing List

If you know you're going to need a NICU stay in advance, this packing list collates responses from our community who have been there of what they would pack if they were going to NICU. If you're already in NICU you may still find it useful to know what you might need further into your stay.

As seen with

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