Supporting NICU Families

Discover our comprehensive range of supportive services


1:1 Therapy for Individual Needs

1:1 therapy sessions with Dr Frankie Harrison provide personalised support tailored to your unique needs. These sessions will help you work towards your personal goals, to reduce your distress, process your past and help you to live more fully in the present.

Coping Tools

Frankie can help you to develop an individualised tool kit of coping skills to be able to manage your stress, anxiety, anger and grief. Using models such as cognitive behavioural therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy and compassion focussed therapy in an integrative and personalised way. 

Trauma Processing

Frankie uses trauma processing techniques such as EMDR (Eye movement desensitisation reprocessing) and FLASH to help you to process your painful memories so that they feel less distressing.


Therapeutic Groups: Share Experiences and Heal Together

Find connection, understanding, validation and growth in a supportive group led by Dr. Frankie Harrison. Our groups offer a safe place for parents, where you can share how NICU has impacted you, feel validated, and learn valuable coping skills.

Forge meaningful connections with other parents who share a similar journey

Feel validated and understood by a group of people who really get it

Gain valuable coping skills, tools, and insights that can help you to navigate the unique challenges of life after neonatal care

Engage in a confidential, non-judgmental space where you can speak freely without fear of criticism

Access to a Specialist Clinical Psychologist for a fraction of the price of an individual session

The NICU Space

Join our supportive community, we can't wait to meet you.

The NICU Space provides a safe space for you to talk about your NICU journey, get support and validation for what you’ve experienced, and meet others who have been through it too.

Validation of your experience; you're not alone in what you're feeling

Knowledge of what to expect as a NICU parent at every stage; from before NICU to years down the road

A whole suite of coping tools to help you navigate common triggers and feelings

Connection with others who have been on the same journey, and who are at the same stage as you are now and gain the support and friendship that makes your journey a little easier

Regular live events from informal light-hearted chats to expert-led webinars and Q&As

We've teamed up with an incredible group of collaborators and specialists to provide information across a huge range of disciplines including lactation consultants, reflux specialists, sleep coaches, speech and language therapists, physios and many more...

Free Resources

Discover resources for NICU parents

Easy to access resources that are there to help you along your NICU journey. 

If you need some help with figuring out how to make sense of what you have been through, what to say, what to do, how to communicate what you need with others, hopefully you will find some of these resources helpful.

Downloadable resources for NICU parents, professionals and family & friends

Blog posts from professionals and fellow NICU families

Episodes of our podcast, available on all podcast platforms. 

Become a part of our supportive community today!

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