Therapeutic Groups for NICU Parents

Find connection, understanding, validation and growth in a supportive community led by Dr. Frankie Harrison, a compassionate clinical psychologist and fellow parent who has experienced the challenges of neonatal care firsthand.

Our group offers a safe haven for parents, where you can share experiences, feel validated, and acquire valuable coping skills.

Life after neonatal care can be overwhelming, leaving parents feeling isolated and unheard

We understand the emotional rollercoaster you may have endured and believe that connecting with others who have gone through similar experiences can be immensely healing.

Our primary goal is to provide you with a nurturing space to talk openly about your journey, where your experiences will be seen and heard without judgment. Our therapeutic support group offers a safe environment where you can express yourself freely and receive validation from others who truly understand.


Our group therapy sessions follow a structured format, led by experienced facilitators.


Our groups aim to provide emotional support, coping strategies, and a sense of community.

Don't just take our word for it

We asked previous members at the end of their group, and...


stated that they felt their mental health had improved after the group sessions


stated that they would recommend the group to others

Join a Therapeutic Group and Find Healing and Support

Discover the Power of Therapeutic Groups for NICU Parents

Our therapeutic groups provide a safe and supportive space for NICU parents to connect, share experiences, and learn coping strategies.

Connect with Others Who Understand Your NICU Journey

Find a sense of community in our groups, where you'll receive empathy, understanding, and valuable insights from fellow NICU parents.

Learn Effective Coping Strategies from Dr Frankie Harrison

Facilitated by experienced professionals who provide guidance, expertise, and evidence-based coping strategies to help you navigate the emotional challenges of the NICU journey.

Upcoming Groups

Be a part of a therapeutic group for parents who have been through neonatal care. Get the opportunity to discuss how you have been impacted by NICU under the supervision of a Clinical Psychologist, with other people who get it.

You'll find details of the next groups we are running here. Keep checking back or join a waitlist if there are no current start dates available.

Start date
Sept 2024
Therapeutic Group - September 2024 Start

24th Sept , 1st Oct , 8th Oct , 15th Oct, 5th Nov , 12th Nov , 19th Nov , 26th Nov all at 8pm

Start date
Jan 2025
Therapeutic Group - January 2025 Start
Launching Soon

Group sessions dates TBC

Join Waitlist

Don't just take our word for it

We asked previous group members what they'd want to say to someone considering joining our next therapeutic group, and this is what they had to say...
We have made friends for life.
It is so valuable being able to talk with others who have experienced a similar journey to you and liberating to have precious time to yourself and being able to spend it with other like minded NICU parents.

We also now have a group WhatsApp where we exchange happy news, difficult times and support each other. We have made friends for life.
It has helped me massively and I know that I am not alone.
Frankie allows each person to share their journey, then come together to discuss a theme discussed and the session is led from there. It has helped me massively and I know that I am not alone.

If you’re thinking of taking the plunge into group therapy, do it! It has been so nice to interact with others that have been in similar situations, to feel listened to and to get the validation I needed. I’ve learnt coping techniques to deal with the unexpected moments that creep up on you out of the blue, dealing with big milestones and feelings of guilt. I’ve learnt so much about myself on this journey, it has given me that light at the end of the tunnel.
This group only needs one word and knows exactly how you feel.
This is a group of like-minded people. You can tell your story, but also hear other stories. It gives you different perspectives and gives you food for thought. Everyone has a NICU experience, so there is respect. Outsiders do not understand some thoughts or emotions. This group only needs one word and knows exactly how you feel.

I got so much from sharing my experiences and emotions with other parents who had been in similar situations to me. It helped me feel less alone.

Having Frankie explain why we felt what we did and feel now was invaluable and has shaped how I now speak to myself when I’m feeling anxious.

Before starting group therapy, I didn’t think I would be able to move past my NICU experience but I did - I’ve got my toolkit of strategies, understanding and a community. And now I’m feeling so much better and I am moving forwards.

Thank you Miracle Moon!
It has helped me massively and I know that I am not alone.
Frankie allows each person to share their journey, then come together to discuss a theme discussed and the session is led from there.
If you’re thinking of taking the plunge into group therapy, do it!
It has been so nice to interact with others that have been in similar situations, to feel listened to and to get the validation I needed. I’ve learnt coping techniques to deal with the unexpected moments that creep up on you out of the blue, dealing with big milestones and feelings of guilt. I’ve learnt so much about myself on this journey, it has given me that light at the end of the tunnel.
I cannot believe how much of a positive impact it has made to my life.
Do it! I can honestly say it has changed my perspective on so much and has allowed me to look forward to the future. I cannot believe how much of a positive impact it has made to my life in such a relatively short period of time. I have met such kind wonderful and inspiring people who understand and cheer you on, and who I hope to stay in contact with as our little ones grow up.

Join our next group starting on 24th September

Each session will provide an opportunity for shared learning, as we explore coping strategies and techniques tailored specifically for parents of children who have undergone neonatal care.

Group sessions take place every Tuesday evening at 8pm, starting 24th September, with a 2 week break in the middle.

Limited to 10 spaces.

Dates for the group sessions are:
24th Sept, 1st Oct, 8th Oct, 15th Oct -- Two week break -- 5th Nov, 12th Nov, 19th Nov, 26th Nov

Full Payment
one-off payment
Monthly Payment Plan
for 4 months

What you get when you sign up for a group

Access to a supportive therapeutic group

Join a small, intimate group of NICU parents who truly understand. Our closed groups offer a safe space for sharing experiences, gaining support, and finding solace in knowing you’re not alone.

Eight 1.5 hour therapeutic sessions with Dr Frankie

Engage in eight powerful 1.5-hour sessions led by Dr. Frankie, where you’ll learn coping strategies, process your NICU experience, and develop tools to manage ongoing challenges.

Connection with fellow NICU parents

Build connections with others who’ve walked a similar path through neonatal care and beyond. These relationships provide emotional support, shared understanding, and a sense of community.

Open discussion of key NICU challenges

Openly discuss the most pressing issues NICU parents face. Whether it’s about handling medical uncertainty or navigating emotional turmoil, these conversations offer vital insight, validation and support.

Learn a new therapeutic coping skill each week

Each week, discover and practice a new coping skill tailored to your needs as a NICU parent, helping you build resilience and emotional strength.

Continuous support from Dr Frankie

Stay connected between sessions. Dr. Frankie offers email support for any pressing issues or questions, ensuring you feel supported every step of the way.

Meet Dr. Frankie Harrison, leading Clinical Psychologist for NICU Parents

With her professional expertise and personal experience, Frankie brings a unique perspective to the group.

Her empathetic guidance and profound understanding of the challenges you've faced will help foster a sense of belonging and empowerment within the community.


Find answers to common questions and concerns about therapeutic groups.

What are therapeutic groups?

Therapeutic groups are a form of group therapy where participants come together to share their experiences, receive support, and learn coping strategies from trained professionals. These groups provide a safe and confidential space for individuals to explore their emotions and develop skills to improve their mental well-being.

Who can join?

Therapeutic groups are open to anyone who may benefit from the support and guidance of a group setting. They are particularly helpful for individuals who are facing similar challenges or seeking a sense of community.

How do therapeutic groups work?

Therapeutic groups typically meet regularly, either in person or online, and are facilitated by a trained therapist or counselor. Participants engage in discussions, activities, and exercises that promote self-reflection, personal growth, and connection with others.

What are the benefits?

Therapeutic groups offer numerous benefits, including a sense of belonging, validation of experiences, emotional support, and the opportunity to learn from others. They can also provide a space for practicing new skills, building resilience, and fostering personal growth.

Are therapeutic groups confidential?

Yes, therapeutic groups prioritize confidentiality. Participants are encouraged to share openly and honestly, knowing that their personal information and experiences will be kept private within the group. Confidentiality guidelines are established to create a safe and trusting environment.

Still have questions?

Contact us for more information.

Become a part of our supportive community today!

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