Q&A: What to do when people don't get it, finding support and how to talk about NICU with your partner | S3E29

Welcome to season 3 of The NICU Space podcast! You might have noticed we’ve got a brand new name, and we’re excited to be back after a little revamp. We’ve got so much to share with you this season!
We thought we’d kick off the new season by answering some questions that we hear often – how you can get the support you’re entitled to, ways to best support a loved one who is going through NICU, how to open up to your partner more about how you’re feeling after NICU and the best way to handle friends and family who don’t quite understand what you’ve been through. If you’ve ever needed the answer to any of these questions (and let’s be honest, we all have at some point!), we’re sharing our advice today.
We hope you’re going to join us for the rest of the season, as we have a lot planned for you and just know that it’s going to be invaluable for anyone with an experience in NICU, whether past or present. And if you’d like additional support, we’re also sharing details of our new community, The NICU Space. If you’d like to learn more, the link is shared in the section below.
In this episode, we’re:
- Welcoming you back to season 3 of the podcast!
- Updating you on our children's school transitions and all the worries that go along with that
- Answering questions from our audience on a range of topics like how to be there for others who are going through NICU, handling a lack of understanding and what support is out there for you
- Introducing you to our new community, The NICU Space
Take what you need!
[00:48] Welcome to season 3!
[01:24] Changes for Miracle Moon and neonatal care since the last episode
[04:42] Navigating school transitions
[15:01] The brand new NICU Space community
[22:35] How can family and friends support a NICU parent?
[30:28] Handling friends and family not understanding
[35:05] Discussing your NICU experience with your partner
[43:17] Seeking support during and after NICU
A huge thank you to Emma at Cover My Bubble for supporting our podcast - you can find out more about all that Cover My Bubble offer at www.covermybubble.co.uk
This Episode’s Links & Further Reading:
Free resource: Supporting friends and family during their NICU stay